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With the increasing demand of high quality, modern and interactive features for corporate websites, you need to be 100% confident that the system you choose is the best one for you.

Traditionally, most websites are built on a template system, which means it’s nice and simple to edit the content of the page, however if the position of something on the page itself needs changing, that’s where you may run into a more complex issue. You’ll probably have to revert to your developer who’ll then either edit the template or create a new one entirely. Naturally, this costs you valuable time and most likely, some money.

At Rade, we’ve taken a different view; we use a framework system which sits on top of Umbraco - our open source CMS of choice. By using a framework system such as ours, pages are built with modules and components. These are all pre-built and pre-styled to fit with your brand.

You can then create as many customised, personal, easy-to-use pages as you like and add them into the website as you please. For example, should you want a Twitter feed in the top right-hand corner of your homepage, all you would have to do is copy in the relevant code and toggle the placement location settings in the CMS and you’re done – no hassle, no developer and ready as quickly as you can create it

A few weeks down the line and you want this removed or its position changed, all you need to do is take another visit to the CMS and alter the relevant settings, or indeed, remove it completely. Were you still using a template, the process would take a lot longer, involve a developer and cost you time and money; surely it’s better to implement your personal changes yourself? Makes sense doesn’t it?

Our frameworks allow you to be creative and experimental, without the baggage that comes with templates and other programming systems. Creating pages is easy and customising them is even easier; it makes the entire system an absolute breeze to work with.

To make things even easier for you, we even have 3 different fixed-price budget level packages which utilise the system.

So you see… you CAN have your cake and eat it!

About the author


Rade is a digital agency specialising in web design content management, ecommerce and online marketing.

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