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Rade has been awarded the Suffolk Carbon Charter, at Bronze level, with praise for their significant progress and community engagement.

The Carbon Charter provides public recognition of companies who have effective plans to monitor and reduce carbon emissions and a shared goal of making Suffolk the Greenest County.

The Charter panel commented that this was a very strong Bronze accreditation with Rade already making significant progress; they praised a clear target for further improvement and a strong ethos evidenced by community engagement. 

Jake Barton, Managing Director commented: “It is heartening that the efforts we make to reduce our environmental impact and support the local community have been recognised. Contributory to our success has been the implementation of a superfast wireless broadband service.”

Rade’s green credentials also extend to their client work. Digital projects include online Carbon Calculators for the conservation charity World Land Trust (WLT) and mapping websites for London authorities.

WLT’s carbon calculator tools are regularly updated for the latest scientific thinking. They allow individuals to make lifestyle offset calculations and enable organisations to quantify their greenhouse gas emissions.

Greater London Authority’s London Heat Map encourages local authorities to share information for the viability of community heating systems to help achieve carbon reductions in the capital. The interactive GIS tool for the London Waste and Recycling Board helps to identify opportunities for efficiencies in waste management.

About the author


Rade is a digital agency specialising in web design content management, ecommerce and online marketing.

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